Hello and welcome to my practice.
My name is Thomas Changarathil and I am a registered psychologist who has been in practice since 2003. I work with children, adolescents, parents, and adults throughout my career in various environments (schools, residential, secure treatment facilities, walk-in counselling service).

I offer virtual sessions through a variety of platforms such as Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc.

Thomas Changarathil, M.A. R.Psych (AB)
Direct (780) 934-7777
Office (780) 439-5683
Fax (780) 439-5679

Located at North Land Family Counselling Group
9557-76 Ave
Edmonton AB
T6C 0K1
Visit North Land Family Counselling at www.northlandfamilycounselling.com

Changes in ones life can result in many possibilities that can be frightening and overwhelming for some, and exciting for others.

To manage the changes that occur in our life, we create our own personal safety net as a means for protection and safety from the potential dangers that can be brought on from change.

However, an over reliance on these personal safety net may lead to feeling like being imprisoned and trapped inside ones shell. This could eventually result in feelings of depression and anxiety.

In an environment of warmth and comfort, therapy is intended to provide encouragement to break out of confining barriers to one’s growth and make the transformation that may eventually lead to feelings of insight and opening doors to new possibilities.